Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

Will the idiocy never end? Dear Lord free us from fools and nitwits. They are dangerous to all of us and we lack the courage and dignity to rid ourselves of their folly.

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

Always knew she was a 1960’s liberal nut job, which I never had an issue with, but now that she’s a Jew hating, rape denier and Hamas sympathizer, I find her disgusting.

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

This is not hard to understand. The left in mass has lost their minds. They can make fun of conservatives not "believing science," but spout stupidity about Covid without ceasing. And of course the "scientific fact" of being able to name your own sex and trans women are women. This also includes their scientific views on an open border and prosecutors letting criminals out because they are too busy attacking political opponents. "Use idiots" really hit me. What a brilliant name.

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

Save us from bloody ignorant celebrities! Who the hell does she think she is? Trouble is, there’s no acting roles for actresses once they get wrinkly so I suppose they try to stay relevant by spouting all this crap. ‘Long Sarandon’ - spot on!

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

I remember Susan back in the day. She was, truly, hotter than a two dollar pistol. Shooting downhill. On Saturday night.

She was a Lefty from the beginning, though.

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

If words are violence, she is a one woman crime spree.

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Jun 25Liked by Christopher Messina

Marvelous piece of truth Christopher!! It truly continues to astound me at the utter idiocy of dozens of the grizzled has-beens of Hollyweird. Tis true...dumb in their hey day, dumber today. AND, today, also the typical grouchy old souls screeching "get off my lawn", so to speak. I do believe it now has become their singular and only way to remain in the lime light.

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Fuck "Former Hotness", she's got an ugly brain.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Author

No disagreement on her current state of foulness. But there is no denying that she was hot Grade-A Hollywood ass who fucked her way to stardom. Hell, the only reason anyone is listening to her idiocy now is because so many people were drooling over her tits decades ago. If she hadn't been hot then, she would not be famous today.

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Hmmmmmm. That doesn't explain Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton. Lol!

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Jun 28Liked by Christopher Messina

All the people I used to admire are falling like robotic ducks at a shooting gallery. As soon as I find they support terrorists and rapists and are against Israel, they are exiled from my life immediately.

The reason I know I am on the right side of history is because the talented, intelligent people are pro Israel. The small minded, hateful morons (such as Sarandon) are pro Hamas. And for that I will not forgive them.

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“you’ve been tellin’ me you’re a genius since you were 17. . .”

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