Aug 24Liked by Christopher Messina

Simpson. The white supremacy’s poster boy

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Aug 27Liked by Christopher Messina

Girly man Shandon needs a visit from some real men very soon

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You, too, have noticed that limpwrist shitbirds like Shandon are big talkers in crowds, in cities like Chicago, New York and Washington. Somehow, morons like Shandon don’t trot around Florida, Texas and Georgia smack-talking Jews and telling Jewish women, “Fuck you, faggot!” before storming off like a toddler who didn’t get a graham cracker during naptime.

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It’s funny see fake “conservatives” like you share and network my info with antifa. You’re all enemies of the world.

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I don't know or care what a homeless dipshit Jew Hating twerp like you thinks "fake conservative" means. I don't know why you are so consumed with hate for me and my people; until you started waving your silly Hezbollah flag around, I had no clue you even existed. After this exchange, I will never think about you again.

That is kind of the definition of Complete Loser, don't you think? You are consumed with hatred for me and I don't give a mosquito's fart in a hurricane about you.

Bundle up - it's gonna get cold under that bridge in a few months.

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Sounds like desperate fear to me. You’re scared the goyim are finally waking up. Your time is coming.

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WHAT "sounds like desperate fear?" My mocking this neo-Nazi loser who has been kicked out of the National Guard AND his families' homes, so as he says, he is homeless? What precisely do you think I am afraid of? And, further, as my curiosity always gets the best of me, what characterizes that ostensible fear as "desperate?"

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I think YOU are the loser Christopher. Why can’t you just leave people alone? You always have to destroy, destroy, destroy… or “muh revenge!”, “muh blood libel!”. Your entire race is sick and needs mental and spiritual triage on unprecedented scales. The paranoia and rage you exhibit is unstable. Truly the enemy of mankind.

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You are a strange, hate-filled stupid twat. If, say, morons like Shandon did NOT walk around praising Islamist death cults who want to kill my children, I would indeed "leave him alone." Nothing would make me happier than for all of you fucking losers to not exist in the first place.

You will perhaps note I am not strolling around the streets of Chicago or anywhere waving a flag celebrating the genocide of whatever mongrel bloodline you happen to be part of.

Until Shandon started in with his flag waving you and you rode to his defense, I never knew of your existence. But for years, dipshits like you have been OBSESSED with me and my people. Who is the paranoid, unstable, rage-filled moron in this exchange?

I am muting you because you bore me. Keep yapping into the wind. We'll be finding you and identifying you in our database. It does not matter at all if Judy Stroyer is your real name or not. You will be found and doxxed. Maybe you can live under the bridge with Shandon and his white supremacist Pomeranian.

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You’re shaking in your boots with all that language. Your time is coming, faggot.

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"All that language?" Meaning the English language? I'm sorry. Do I need to stick to words with one syllable? Why do all of you twits call people "faggot?"

The 1970s called - they want their homophobic slurs back.

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Conservatives trying to conserve anything other than Israel’s sovereignty challenge (impossible)

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I have zero idea what this means. What are you trying to say?

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Just joshing you bud.

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OK, but I still have no idea what your sentence fragment means.

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He seems awesome I’d like to send him some money

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