I’m glad that you began by admitting curse words are not so great. When I hear someone using these words I feel attacked. Why should I listen to someone’s points when I am feeling attacked?

When I was young, people who used those words were boors.

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Also, from a practical standpoint, Kurt Vonnegut opined that if you use foul language to make your point, it gives people an excuse not to listen to what you may have to say.

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Jul 21Liked by Christopher Messina

My father used to say that if you can't makeyour point without swearing, your vocabulary is lacking.

I'm of the opinion that swearing by all, anytime and anywhere, really became okay when the broadcasting standards were lowered. The result was inevitable, which is what the wise folks who made the rules knew. It's become useless as a linguistic tool. Remember when your Mom said "damn!" and everyone who heard it knew the extreme height of her feelings? I sure do.

Theses personal attacks are part of the overarching goal of the left. They are espousing communism, whether they realize it or not. Of course, it has zero tolerance for dissenting opinions, so has no use for debate. See what they've done in universities all over the West? They can't allow other opinions, because every one of their absurd premises, from "Palestine" to climate scam, cannot withstand scrutiny. So they've taught young people to shout down anyone who might challenge the narratives they've used to indoctrinate youth.

The fun is really just behlginning.

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I do love a behlginning.

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Jul 21Liked by Christopher Messina

I agree that to me swearing is meaningless and exhibits bad character; it adds nothing to the statement you're trying to make but actually makes it less meaningful and makes me not want to listen anymore. Also your statement about Trump being boorish or crass...is that actually your thought based on your own observed opinion of him, or is it more propaganda of 8+ years that we've digested because of media using selective comments or playing same one 10,000x? Curious.

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Native New Yorker. Family and friends have worked with him for decades. He is boorish and crass. Simple observation.

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I have a friend that grew up in New York, and she tells me that Trump is a true New Yorker - he's just like them.

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I am a true New Yorker. I am neither crass nor boorish. He is very much like me in that he has a fierce competitive drive to succeed and wants the best for this nation, which has been and could become again a beacon of Hope and Freedom unto the benighted and downtrodden of this world.

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Jul 21Liked by Christopher Messina

Ayn Rand in her talk, “A Nation’s Unity”, at the Ford Hall Forum in 1972, explained why a nation can remain peacefully unified only if each individual’s right to pursue his own happiness is protected against infringement.

The Founding Fathers provided the basic framework for such a nation, but lacked the philosophic foundation upon which such a system depends.

Rand provides such a a foundation by way of “The Philosophy of Objectivism”, which she called “a philosophy for living on earth”.

Check out her talk on You Tube or on the Ayn Rand Institute website.

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That was an outstanding assessment of the situation Christopher! I will definitely repost it!

How have we progressed so far into insanity? The left is exquisitely skilled at appealing to emotion rather than logic. Remember under Gingrich the Republicans were going to take away your Social Security? They have only gotten more skilled at it.

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Jul 21Liked by Christopher Messina

Thank You! This was Excellent!

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I, myself, enjoy using curse words and rough language to get a point across, but to each their own. But I think twisting the meanings of words around, or word salads are far worse than profanity. And the Left have become extremely skilled at that.

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