I agree that hiding out in the “elite” under-educated bastion of pure over indulged so called “smart”cover of so called “fine” universities, should not in any way mean that those types get to SCREAM freedom of speech. That has about the same amount of truth as screaming “ freedom of religion” and then killing off any denomination that doesn’t suit your perversions.
America seems so bored! And so consequently , we idolize the boring.
Take a look at the inner most center of our planet.... sit on the side of a forest or on the shore of a lake. Live to Lead as the documentary titled just that proves.
Vulgarity , sniveling brats, screaming vultures ( human). Have we no real interest in improving our species.
Get out of the so called “ elite” schools and spend some time learning something useful , like Forestry at the U. of Montana. Become a likable and interesting person because you are sharing this planet and the rest of us are god damned sick of the attention you are slurping up in your daily diet of hate.
Well put! One of my most delightful summers was 1994 when I lived in Missoula. It was right when The Last Best Place was published, and just before the Hollywood twits invaded. It was glorious. We camped out and fly fished the Clark Fork and in the hot afternoons, I spent my time reading at the university library.
It was wonderful after four years in Hyde Park at the University of Chicago.
Forestry is 1000x more useful than whatever crap they're indoctrinating at the People's Comintern of Harvardistan.
If only that low life was the only one. Tragically there are so many more like him.
Great that you can expose these fools!
Chris, did you get this column to Bill Ackman? He should see it.
Perhaps the result of affirmative action?
Thank you for establishing the truth.
I agree that hiding out in the “elite” under-educated bastion of pure over indulged so called “smart”cover of so called “fine” universities, should not in any way mean that those types get to SCREAM freedom of speech. That has about the same amount of truth as screaming “ freedom of religion” and then killing off any denomination that doesn’t suit your perversions.
America seems so bored! And so consequently , we idolize the boring.
Take a look at the inner most center of our planet.... sit on the side of a forest or on the shore of a lake. Live to Lead as the documentary titled just that proves.
Vulgarity , sniveling brats, screaming vultures ( human). Have we no real interest in improving our species.
Get out of the so called “ elite” schools and spend some time learning something useful , like Forestry at the U. of Montana. Become a likable and interesting person because you are sharing this planet and the rest of us are god damned sick of the attention you are slurping up in your daily diet of hate.
Update: The DC Public Defender's Office has hired this fucking scumbag.
Well put! One of my most delightful summers was 1994 when I lived in Missoula. It was right when The Last Best Place was published, and just before the Hollywood twits invaded. It was glorious. We camped out and fly fished the Clark Fork and in the hot afternoons, I spent my time reading at the university library.
It was wonderful after four years in Hyde Park at the University of Chicago.
Forestry is 1000x more useful than whatever crap they're indoctrinating at the People's Comintern of Harvardistan.
Nail Him To The Wall , put this face?outthere
Metaphorically, yes. He wants my children murdered. I just want him unemployed.
I want them all to be HOUNDED till the end of time